Montag, 15. Februar 2010

My request for future Philosophers

Philosophy - the study for the elite. That’s what it is traditionally at least. But since I grow up in times of freedom and equality seeking, I rather disagree with this notion.

I am always impressed when I read a text that manages to convey a complicated issue in such simple terms that I can understand it as well. I sometimes don’t understand how philosophers can be worshipped who write texts in which one has to search for the sense in their writing. (Maybe there is just no sense and we are just desperately trying to interpret some coherent argument into them?) My old philosophy teacher once said after so many people in class always said “I know what it is, it’s all in my head, but I cannot explain it”, that that what you cannot express in words and explain, you don’t know. Now I know that he was probably referring to the question, if our thought is determined by our language, but I felt when judging us students so harshly, why not the great philosophers as well?

So my request to the great philosophers of the future: Learn to express yourselves!

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